Author |
Title |
Volume |
Pages |
Adlard, John |
A "Triumphing Joyfulness": Blake, Boehme and the Tradition |
1.2 |
109-22 |
Adams, Hazard |
Blake, Jerusalem, and Symbolic Form |
7.2 |
143-66 |
Allentuck, Marcia [R.] | William Blake and William Bell Scott: Unpublished References to Blake's Late Nineteenth-Century Reputation |
2.2 |
55-56 |
Letter to the Editors [concerning a letter by John Linnell in the author's collection] | 2.2 |
66-67 | |
Dorothy Richardson on William Blake and the Broadside: An Unrecorded Appraisal |
3.2 |
195-96 |
Behrendt, Stephen C. | The Mental Contest: Blake's Comus Designs |
8.1 |
65-88 |
Bentley, G. E., Jr. | William Blake, Samuel Palmer, and George Richmond> |
2.2 |
43-50 |
Bidney, Martin |
Cain and The Ghost of Abel: Contexts for Understanding Blake's Response to Byron |
8.2 |
145-65 |
Bloodgood, Francis C. | Ask Me an Apocalypse [a poem] |
2.1 |
66 |
Butlin, Martin | Letter to the Editors [response to article by Taylor in 1.1] |
1.2 |
212 |
A New Portrait of William Blake | 7.2 |
101-03 | |
Callahan, Patrick J. | Historical and Critical Problems in William Blake's America [a dissertation abstract] |
1.2 |
206-07 |
Campbell, William Royce | The Aesthetic Integrity of Blake's Island in the Moon |
3.2 |
137-47 |
Chard, Leslie F., II | Two "New" Blake Engravings: Blake, James Earle, and the Surgeon's Art |
6.2 |
153-65 |
Chayes, Irene H. |
The Marginal Design on Jerusalem 12 | 7.1 |
51-76 [-84] |
Connolly, Thomas E. | A Blakean Maze |
3.1 |
61-68 |
The Real "Holy Thursday" of William Blake | 6.2 |
179-87 | |
Curran, Stuart |
Blake and the Gnostic Hyle: A Double Negative | 4.2 |
117-33 |
"Detecting" the Existential Blake | 2.1 |
67-76 | |
Curtis, F. B. | Blake and the Booksellers |
6.2 |
167-78 |
William Blake and Eighteenth-Century Medicine |
8.2 |
187-99 | |
DeGruson, Eugene | Bentley and Nurmi Addendum: Haldeman-Julius' Blake |
1.2 |
203-05 |
De Luca, V. A. [i.e., Vincent A.] |
Proper Names in the Structural Design of Blake's Myth-Making |
8.1 |
5-22 |
Dempsey, I. | Golden Square Revisited [a poem] |
1.1 |
4 |
Doskow, Minna | William Blake's America: The Story of a Revolution Betrayed |
8.2 |
167-86 |
Doxey, William S. | William Blake and William Herschel: The Poet, the Astronomer, and "The Tyger" |
2.2 |
5-13 |
Duerksen, Roland A. | The Life-in-Death Theme in The Book of Thel |
2.2 |
15-22 |
Eaves, Morris | A List of the Entries in Damon's Blake Dictionary |
3.1 |
69-85 |
A Reading of Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Plates 17-20: On and Under the Estate of the West | 4.2 |
81-116 | |
Erdman, David V. | The Steps (of Dance and Stone) that Order Blake's Milton |
6.1 |
73-87 |
Essick, Robert N. | The Art of William Blake's Early Illuminated Books [a dissertation abstract] |
2.1 |
89-90 |
Blake and the Traditions of Reproductive Engraving | 5.1 |
59-103 | |
Blake's Newton | 3.2 |
149-62 | |
Letter to the Editors [concerning Kiralis' interpretation of Blake's "Canterbury Pilgrims"] | 2.2 |
64-66 | |
A Preliminary Design for Blake's Grave | 4.2 |
9-13 | |
Fairchild, B. H., Jr. | Melos and Meaning in Blake's Lyric Art |
7.2 |
125-41 |
Ferber, Michael | Blake's Thel and the Bride of Christ |
9.1/2 |
45-56 |
Finch, G. J. | "Never Pain to Tell Thy Love": Blake's Problem Poem |
4.1 |
73-79 |
Fox, Susan C. | The Structure of a Moment: Parallelism in the Two Books of Blake's Milton |
2.1 |
21-35 |
Glazer[-Schotz], Myra, and Gerda Norvig | Blake's Book of Changes: On Viewing Three Copies of the Songs of Innocence and of Experience |
9.1/2 |
100-21 |
Goldstein, Laurence | Tutorial [a poem] |
2.2 |
36 |
Grant, John E. | Addenda and Some Solutions to Tolley's Blake Puzzles |
3.2 |
129-35 |
The Fate of Blake's Sun-Flower: A Forecast and Some Conclusions | 5.2 |
7-64 | |
The Visionary Perspective of Ezekiel | 4.2 |
153-57 | |
You Can't Write about Blake's Pictures Like That [response to article by Taylor in 1.1] | 1.2 |
193-202 | |
de Groot, H. B. | R. H. Horne, Mary Howitt and a Mid-Victorian Version of "The Ecchoing Green" |
4.1 |
81-88 |
Hagstrum, Jean H. | Rebuttal [a reply to Tolley's "Blake's Blind Man"] |
2.1 |
84-86 |
Hall, Jean | Blake's Everlasting Gospel | 4.1 |
61-72 |
Harper, George Mills |
The Odyssey of the Soul in Blake's Jerusalem | 5.2 |
65-80 |
Hazen, James | Blake's Tyger and Milton's Beasts |
3.2 |
163-70 |
Helms, Randel | The Genesis of The Everlasting Gospel |
9.1/2 |
122-60 |
Helmstadter, Thomas H. | Blake and the Age of Reason: Spectres in the Night Thoughts |
5.1 |
105-39 |
"Bright Visions of Eternity": Blake's Designs for Blair's Grave | 8.1 |
37-64 | |
Herzing, Thomas W. |
Book I of Blake's Milton: Natural Religion as an Optical Fallacy | 6.1 |
19-34 |
Hirst, Désirée | Once More Continuing "The Tyger" |
7.2 |
177-79 |
Holland, Joseph | Letter to the Editors [regarding poem by MacKaye in 2.2] | 2.2 |
64 |
Howard, John | An Audience for The Marriage of Heaven and Hell | 3.1 |
19-52 |
John, Brian | William Blake's "Hereford, Ancient Guardian of Wales" | 4.1 |
33-41 |
Johnson, Mary Lynn | "Separating What Has Been Mixed": A Suggestion for a Perspective on Milton | 6.1 |
11-17 |
Kauvar, Elaine M. | Landscape of the Mind: Blake's Garden Symbolism | 9.1/2 |
57-73 |
Keane, Christopher | Blake and O'Neill: A Prophecy |
2.2 |
23-34 |
Keynes, Geoffrey | Letter to the Editors [concerning Kiralis' interpretation of Blake's "Canterbury Pilgrims"] |
2.2 |
63-64 |
Kiralis, Karl | Letter to the Editors [concerning the article by Rose in 1.1] |
1.2 |
212-14 |
"London" in the Light of Jerusalem | 1.1 |
5-15 | |
William Blake as an Intellectual and Spiritual Guide to Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims |
1.2 |
139-90 | |
Kmetz, Gail | A Reading of Blake's The Gates of Paradise | 3.2 |
171-85 |
Kostelanetz, Anne T. |
Abstracts of Current Dissertations [i.e., of her Ph.D. thesis] |
1.1 |
102-03 |
Kowle, Carol P. | Plate III and the Meaning of Europe |
8.1 |
89-99 |
Kroeber, Karl | Graphic-Poetic Structuring in Blake's Book of Urizen |
3.1 |
7-18 |
Perspectives on Blake's Milton: A Prefatory Note | 6.1 |
7-9 | |
La Belle, Jenijoy | William Blake, Theodore Roethke, and Mother Goose: The Unholy Trinity |
9.1/2 |
74-86 |
Lister, Raymond | Letter to the Editors [concerning the book review by Hirst in 1.1] | 1.2 |
214-15 |
W. B. Yeats as an Editor of William Blake |
1.2 |
123-38 | |
MacKaye, Percy | In a Dawn-Dream [a poem] |
2.2 |
35 |
Marks, Mollyanne | Self-Sacrifice: Theme and Image in Jerusalem |
7.1 |
27-50 |
Mason, John | A Blakean Portfolio [graphic art] |
2.2 |
37-41 |
McGowan, James | Abstract of [the author's] Thesis |
1.1 |
103-04 |
The Integrity of the Poetical Sketches: A New Approach to Blake's Earliest Poems |
8.2 |
121-44 | |
Mills, Alice | The Spectral Bat in Blake's Illustrations to Jerusalem |
9.1/2 |
87-99 |
Mitchell, Jeffrey | Progression from the Marriage into the Bard's Song of Milton |
6.1 |
35-45 |
Mitchell, W. J. T. | Style and Iconography in the Illustrations of Blake's Milton |
6.1 |
47-71 |
Murray, E. B. | Jerusalem Reversed |
7.1 |
11-25 |
Nelms, Ben F. | "Exemplars of Memory and of Intellect": Jerusalem, Plates 96-100 |
5.2 |
81-95 |
Nelson, J. Walter | Blake's Diction: An Amendatory Note |
7.2 |
167-75 |
Norvig, Gerda | See Glazer | ||
Pache, Walter, and Ursula Salacki | Blake and Ovid |
4.1 |
89-92 |
Pearce, Donald R. | Natural Religion and the Plight of Thel |
8.1 |
23-35 |
Pfefferkorn, Eli | The Question of the Leviathan and the Tiger |
3.1 |
53-60 |
Rose, Edward J. | Blake's Metaphorical States |
4.1 |
9-31 |
Blake's Milton: The Poet as Poem |
1.1 |
16-38 | |
Good-bye to Orc and All That |
4.2 |
135-51 | |
Preface: Perspectives on Jerusalem | 7.1 |
7-9 | |
Salacki, Ursula |
See Pache | ||
Sandler, Florence | The Iconoclastic Enterprise: Blake's Critique of "Milton's Religion" |
5.1 |
13-57 |
Stevenson, Warren | "The Tyger" as Artefact |
2.1 |
5-19 |
Stohnwine, R. A. Wiley | The Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake: A Gist [a poem] | 2.1 |
65-66 |
Tannenbaum, Leslie | Blake's Art of Crypsis: The Book of Urizen and Genesis | 5.1 |
141-64 |
Tarr, Rodger L. | "The Eagle" versus "The Mole": The Wisdom of Virginity in Comus and The Book of Thel |
3.2 |
187-94 |
Tate, James | Diet Valentine [and] The Artificial Forest [two poems] |
1.2 |
191-92 |
Tayler, Irene | Blake's Comus Designs |
4.2 |
45-80 |
Taylor, Clyde R. | Iconographical Themes in William Blake |
1.1 |
39-85 |
Taylor, Peter Alan | A Reading of Blake's Milton [a dissertation abstract] | 1.2 |
208-09 |
Providence and the Moment in Blake's Milton |
4.1 |
43-60 | |
Teitelbaum, Eve | Form as Meaning in Blake's Milton |
2.1 |
37-64 |
Todd, Ruthven | Gilchrist Redivivus |
1.1 |
95-97 |
The Identity of "Hereford" in Jerusalem, with Observations on Welsh Matters |
6.2 |
139-51 | |
Tolley, Michael J. | Blake's Blind Man |
2.1 |
77-84 |
Reply [to Hagstrum's "Rebuttal"] | 2.1 |
86-88 | |
Some Blake Puzzles: Old and New | 3.2 |
107-28 | |
Wardle, Judith | William Blake's Iconography of Joy: Angels, Birds, Butterflies and Related Motifs from Poetical Sketches to the Pickering Manuscript |
9.1/2 |
5-44 |
Watson, Alan | William Blake's Illustrated Writings [a dissertation abstract] |
1.2 |
210-11 |
Weathers, Winston | Interlude at Felpham [fiction] |
1.1 |
86-90 |
Wilkie, Brian | Blake's Innocence and Experience: An Approach |
6.2 |
119-37 |
Wills, James T. | "For I Discern Thee Other Then [sic] Thou Seem'st": An Extra Illustration for Blake's Paradise Regained Series |
8.2 |
109-19 |
Wittreich, Joseph Anthony, Jr. | William Blake and Bernard Barton: Addendum to BNB--Entry No. a852 |
1.1 |
91-94 |
Blake in the Kitto Bible | 2.2 |
51-54 | |
"Sublime Allegory": Blake's Epic Manifesto and the Milton Tradition | 4.2 |
15-44 | |
Blake and Tradition: A Prefatory Note | 5.1 |
7-11 | |
Wyatt, David M. | The Woman Jerusalem: Pictura versus Poesis |
7.2 |
105-24 |