Changes to the Masthead

The death of G. E. Bentley, Jr., in August left Blake bereft of a longtime contributor as well as a friend and colleague. His first note, “Blake Apocrypha,” appeared in the October 1967 issue; his final article, “Rosenbach and Blake,” leads this issue. Jerry had been the journal’s bibliographer since 1994, his checklist of publications and discoveries an annual feature. We have asked three scholars to contribute to our summer 2018 issue: Luisa Calè (Birkbeck, University of London) will cover exhibitions, Jason Whittaker (University of Lincoln) music, and Wayne C. Ripley (Winona State University) recently published scholarship—with the input of Fernando Castanedo (Universidad de Alcalá) for scholarship in the Romance languages and Hikari Sato (University of Tokyo) for publications in Japanese. We have emphasized that they are free to follow their own paths in terms of content and format.

In her role as exhibitions editor, Luisa will also coordinate exhibition reviews, beginning in the new year with William Blake in Sussex at Petworth House; Sandy Gourlay will remain our book review editor.

Sibylle Erle (Bishop Grosseteste University) has joined our advisory board. Sibylle is author of Blake, Lavater and Physiognomy (2010), co-editor of “Science, Technology and the Senses” (special issue for RaVoN, 2008), and volume editor of Panoramas, 1787–1900: Texts and Contexts (5 vols., 2012). With Morton Paley she is now co-editing The Reception of William Blake in Europe (Bloomsbury). She has co-curated the display Blake and Physiognomy (2010–11) at Tate Britain and devised an online exhibition of Tennyson’s copy of Blake’s Job for the Tennyson Research Centre (2013).

Morris Eaves and Morton D. Paley, editors