4a-d. Songs of Experience, title plate. Hand made relief etching based on Blake’s design, 12.8 x 7.5 cm., printed in a Van Dyke brown intaglio ink and gray and burnt sienna watercolors. Detail of pillar and date from four impressions all showing white lines around the numbers: a. (far left) date printed over in gray pigment in one pull; b. (second from left) date printed over in gray pigment in a separate, second pull; c. (third from left) date printed over in gray pigment in a separate, second pull using less pressure than used to print the ink; d. (far right) date printed over in gray pigment in a separate, second pull using more pressure than used to print the ink. All four methods of applying colors over the date fail to cover the date the way it is covered in the Songs copy T1 impression. The same color applied directly to the impression once it is dry, however, can cover the date (see illus. 2). Printed 29 July 2002.