Blake and Exhibitions, 2022
Continuing effects of COVID-19 disruption included delayed and sometimes reduced displays to mark the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death (Fogg Art Museum; Simon Fraser University; University of Melbourne) and delayed rehangs of works kept in storage after exhibitions or during renovations. In February 2022 the Rosenbach celebrated the rehang of The Number of the Beast Is 666 after a period of rest since its loan to the Blake retrospective at Tate Britain in 2019–20. In May Glasgow Museums reinstalled Eve Naming the Birds and Adam Naming the Beasts in the main corridor of Pollok House following storage to protect the works from environmental conditions. Displays featuring treasures from permanent collections included the incipit of Vala, or The Four Zoas at the British Library and Milton at the New York Public Library. Building the Bookman’s Paradise, an exhibition reconstructing plans and showcasing treasures at the Morgan Library, included two Job watercolors among early medieval and Renaissance illuminations and modern treasures.