We are pleased to announce that the new co-editor of Blake is Tilar Mazzeo. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to all who applied for the position.
This index of articles and reviews stretches from the founding of the journal in 1967 to the present. Articles and reviews from the past five years are available to subscribers, whether individual or through an institution; those from more than five years ago are free to all. For more information on purchasing a single article published within the last five years as a non-subscriber, see the instructions.
This index was last updated in February 2025.
Go to: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Abley, Mark See Bentley, G. E., Jr., and Mark Abley |
Ackland, Michael | The Embattled Sexes: Blake’s Debt to Wollstonecraft in The Four Zoas | 16.3 | winter 1982–83 | 172-83 |
Adams, Hazard | Must a Poem Be a Perfect Unity? | 21.2 | fall 1987 | 74-77 |
Adlard, John | The Age and Virginity of Lyca | 6.3 | winter 1972–73 | 73 |
Blake’s Indenture and “The Little Vagabond” | 5.3 | winter 1971–72 | 214 | |
“Fields from Islington to Marybone” | 9.4 | spring 1976 | 120 | |
“The Garden of Love” | 4.4 | spring 1971 | 147-48 | |
Milton 29: A Retort to William Frend? | 2.4 | April 1969 | 73 | |
Alhas, Hüseyin See Ripley, Wayne C., with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo, Hikari Sato, and Hüseyin Alhas |
See also Ripley, Wayne C., with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo, Hikari Sato, Hüseyin Alhas, and Vera Serdechnaia | ||||
Allentuck, Marcia | [Lady Cynthia Asquith at a Blake Sale] | 2.4 | April 1969 | 72 |
Ankarsjö, Magnus | Blake’s Four “Zoas”! | 39.4 | spring 2006 | 189-90 |
Anon. | Changes to the Masthead | 51.3 | winter 2017–18 | 3 pars. |
A Checklist of Blake Scholarship—June ’68 to May ’69 | 3.1 | June 1969 | 6-7, 20 | |
Aoyama, Keiko See Bentley, G. E., Jr., with the assistance of Keiko Aoyama |
Atkins, A. M. | “Both Turk and Jew”: Notes on the Poetry of Henry Fuseli, with Some Translations | 16.4 | spring 1983 | 206-11 |
Ault, Donald | Report: 1974 MLA Blake Seminar | 8.4 | spring 1975 | 105-06 |
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Calè, Luisa | Blake and Exhibitions, 2017 | 52.1 | summer 2018 | |
Blake and Exhibitions, 2018 | 53.1 | summer 2019 | ||
Blake and Exhibitions, 2019 | 54.1 | summer 2020 | ||
Blake and Exhibitions, 2020 | 55.1 | summer 2021 | ||
Blake and Exhibitions, 2021 | 56.1 | summer 2022 | ||
Blake and Exhibitions, 2022 | 57.1 | summer 2023 | ||
Blake and Exhibitions, 2023 | 58.1 | summer 2024 | ||
Reading Revolutions: Corrado Costa’s William Blake in Beulah, a Visionary Cartoon Essay in 1977 Italy | 55.3 | winter 2021–22 | 21 pars. | |
William Blake’s Universe: An Interview with David Bindman and Esther Chadwick | 57.3 | winter 2023–24 | ||
William Blake: The Artist (Tate Britain, 11 September 2019–2 February 2020): An Interview with Martin Myrone | 53.1 | summer 2019 | ||
Callixto, João Carlos See Sousa, Alcinda Pinheiro de, Cláudia Franco Souza, and João Carlos Callixto |
Candela, Gregory, Marta Field, and Foster Foreman | A Checklist of Recent Blake Scholarship | 7.1 | summer 1973 | 11-15 |
Caplan, David | Blake in Boca Raton [poem] | 30.1 | summer 1996 | 22 |
Cardinale, Philip J., and Joseph Cardinale | A Newly Discovered Blake Book: William Blake’s Copy of Thomas Taylor’s The Mystical Initiations; or, Hymns of Orpheus (1787) | 44.3 | winter 2010–11 | 84-102 |
Carey, Frances | Blake’s “Warring Angels” | 11.2 | fall 1977 | 120-23 |
James Smetham (1821-1889) and Gilchrist’s Life of Blake | 8.1-2 | summer-fall 1974 | 17-25 | |
Carretta, Vincent | Blake’s Meheux? | 31.3 | winter 1997–98 | 84 |
Carter, Sarah | The Ambiguities of Translation: Fuseli, Blake, and the Making of Aphorisms on Man | 58.2 | fall 2024 | 32 pars. |
Castanedo, Fernando | A Blake Riddle: The Diagonal Pencil Inscription in An Island in the Moon | 52.1 | summer 2018 | 25 pars. |
Paper and Watermarks in Blake’s An Island in the Moon | 52.3 | winter 2018–19 | 15 pars. | |
See also Bentley, G. E., Jr., with the assistance of Hikari Sato and Fernando Castanedo | ||||
See also Bentley, G. E., Jr., with the assistance of Hikari Sato, Li-Ping Geng, and Fernando Castanedo | ||||
See also Ripley, Wayne C., with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo and Hikari Sato | ||||
See also Ripley, Wayne C., with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo, Hikari Sato, and Hüseyin Alhas | ||||
See also Ripley, Wayne C., with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo, Hikari Sato, Hüseyin Alhas, and Vera Serdechnaia | ||||
Chadwick, Esther See Calè, Luisa, David Bindman, and Esther Chadwick |
Chang, Ching-erh See Bentley, G. E., Jr., with the assistance of Hikari Sato and Ching-erh Chang |
Chapman, Wes | Blake, Wollstonecraft, and the Inconsistency of Oothoon | 31.1 | summer 1997 | 4-17 |
Chayes, Irene H. | Blake and Tradition: “The Little Girl Lost” and “The Little Girl Found” [response to review by Daniel Hughes in 3.3] | 4.1 | Aug. 1970 | 25-28 |
Brief Ripostes [to John Beer in 6.1] | 6.1 | summer 1972 | 23-24 | |
A Rejoinder to John Beer [in 4.4] | 5.3 | winter 1971–72 | 211-13 | |
[Robed Figure in “The Little Boy Found”] | 1.2 | Oct. 1967 | 6 | |
Chen, Kang-Po | Violence, Death, and Autoeroticism: The Alternative Self-Annihilation in Visions of the Daughters of Albion | 54.3 | winter 2020–21 | 20 pars. |
Cherry, Charles L. | William Blake and Mrs. Grundy: Suppression of Visions of the Daughters of Albion | 4.1 | Aug. 1970 | 6-10 |
Cheskin, Arnold | The Echoing Greenhorn: Blake as Hebraist | 12.3 | winter 1978–79 | 178-83 |
Cieszkowski, Krzysztof Z. | “They murmuring divide; while the wind sleeps beneath, and the numbers are counted in silence”: The Dispersal of the Illustrations to Dante’s Divine Comedy | 23.3 | winter 1989–90 | 166-71 |
Clarke, Mary | The Job Ballet | 12.1 | summer 1978 | 18-25 |
Colebrook, Claire | Blake and Feminism: Romanticism and the Question of the Other | 34.1 | summer 2000 | 4-13 |
Connolly, Thomas E. | Songs of Innocence Copy U | 6.4 | spring 1973 | 96 |
Songs of Innocence, Keynes (1921) Copy U, Keynes-Wolf (1953) Copy U | 7.4 | spring 1974 | 88-89 | |
Connolly, Thomas E., and George R. Levine | Recognizing Mother [response to John Grant in 1.2] | 1.3 | Dec. 1967 | 17-18 |
Crehan, Stewart | Blake, Context and Ideology [response to review by Stuart Peterfreund in 19.3] | 20.3 | winter 1986–87 | 104-07 |
Crosby, Mark | “Ah! Romney!”: Blake’s “Supernaculum” Portrait Engraving of George Romney | 47.3 | winter 2013–14 | 20 pars. |
Blake in the Marketplace, 2023 | 57.4 | spring 2024 | ||
The Blake Memorial Window in St. Mary’s Church, Felpham | 46.3 | winter 2012–13 | 6 pars. | |
A Copy of Richard Bentley’s Edition of Paradise Lost in William Hayley’s Library c. 1802 | 57.3 | winter 2023–24 | 14 pars. | |
The Sketch on the Verso of Blake’s Self-Portrait: An Identification | 41.2 | fall 2007 | 92-95 | |
“Unentangled in the intricate windings of modern practice”: William Blake’s Apprentice Copperplates and Engravings | 58.3 | winter 2024–25 | 20 pars. | |
William Blake’s Miniature Portraits of the Butts Family | 42.4 | spring 2009 | 147-52 | |
Crosby, Mark, and Robert N. Essick | “the fiends of Commerce”: Blake’s Letter to William Hayley, 7 August 1804 | 44.2 | fall 2010 | 52-72 |
Crosby, Mark, Troy Patenaude, and Angus Whitehead | William Blake and the Age of Revolution: An Appreciation, Checklist of Dissertations and Publications | 40.2 | fall 2006 | 72-74 |
Crossan, Greg | Blake’s Maiden Queen in “The Angel” | 15.3 | winter 1981–82 | 133-34 |
“Infant Sorrow” and Robert Greene’s Menaphon | 19.4 | spring 1986 | 142-43 | |
Cummings, Frederic | Blake at Detroit and Philadelphia [response to review by Anne Kostelanetz in 2.1] | 2.3 | Dec. 1968 | 46-48 |
Curran, Stuart, and Joseph Anthony Wittreich, Jr. | Some Additions to A Blake Bibliography | 3.1 | June 1969 | 4-7, 20 |
Curtis, F. B. | The Geddes Bible and the Tent of the Eternals in The Book of Urizen | 6.4 | spring 1973 | 93-94 |
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Fairbanks, A. Harris | Blake, Burke, and the Clanrickard Monument | 31.3 | winter 1997–98 | 76-81 |
Farwell, Brice | More Than Music Composed after Blake by Arthur Farwell | 11.2 | fall 1977 | 86-103 |
Fawcus, Arnold | Early States of the Job Series | 4.4 | spring 1971 | 150 |
Feldman, Paula R. | Felicia Hemans and the Mythologizing of Blake’s Death | 27.3 | winter 1993–94 | 69-72 |
Ferber, Michael | Blake for Children | 35.1 | summer 2001 | 22-24 |
Blake’s “Jerusalem” as a Hymn | 34.3 | winter 2000–01 | 82-94 | |
Mars and the Planets Three in America | 15.3 | winter 1981–82 | 136-37 | |
The Orthodoxy of Blake Footnotes | 32.1 | summer 1998 | 16-19 | |
A Possible Source for “Thel’s Motto” | 9.2 | fall 1975 | 43-44 | |
“Thel’s Motto”: Likely and Unlikely Sources [response to Michael Tolley in 10.1] | 10.1 | summer 1976 | 36-38 | |
Ferguson, James B., Frank M. Parisi, and Michael Phillips | A Bibliography of Blake Scholarship in the United Kingdom, 1972-73 | 7.2 | fall 1973 | 44-46 |
Field, Marta See Candela, Gregory, Marta Field, and Foster Foreman |
Fitch, Donald | Blake Set to Music: Supplement 2001 | 35.2 | fall 2001 | 40-61 |
Fletcher, Ian, ed. | John Todhunter’s Lectures on Blake, 1872-1874 | 8.1-2 | summer-fall 1974 | 4-14 |
Fletcher, Joseph | Ocean Growing: Blake’s Two Versions of Newton and the Emerging Polypus | 49.3 | winter 2015–16 | 38 pars. |
Flores, Cristina | “Sick as a Rose”: William Blake in Leopoldo María Panero’s Poetry of Experience | 55.3 | winter 2021–22 | 11 pars. |
Folsom, L. Edwin | Nobodaddy: Through the Bottomless Pit, Darkly | 9.2 | fall 1975 | 45-46 |
Foreman, Foster, et al. | A Checklist of Blake Scholarship, October 1970-March 1972 | 5.3 | winter 1971–72 | 214-19 |
See also Candela, Gregory, Marta Field, and Foster Foreman | ||||
Fosso, Kurt | Blake’s “Introduction” and Hesiod’s Theogony | 47.1 | summer 2013 | 9 pars. |
Franson, J. Karl | The Serpent-Driving Females in Blake’s Comus 4 | 12.3 | winter 1978–79 | 164-77 |
Freed, Eugenie R. | “In the Darkness of Philisthea”: The Design of Plate 78 of Jerusalem | 32.3 | winter 1998–99 | 60-73 |
“Sun-Clad Chastity” and Blake’s “Maiden Queens”: Comus, Thel, and “The Angel” | 25.3 | winter 1991–92 | 104-16 | |
Freedman, Linda | Blake, Duncan, and the Politics of Writing from Myth | 47.2 | fall 2013 | 46 pars. |
Frosch, Thomas R. | An Analogue to the “Greatest Men” Passage in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell | 40.3 | winter 2006–07 | 110-11 |
Frost, Everett | A Checklist of Blake Slides [see also the erratum in 9.4] | 9.1 | summer 1975 | 4-28 |
See also Tayler, Edward W.; Everett C. Frost |
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Ide, Nancy M. | Image Patterns and the Structure of William Blake’s The Four Zoas | 20.4 | spring 1987 | 125-33 |
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages | |
Jackson, Mary V. | Additional Lines in Visions of the Daughters of Albion [response to Roland A. Duerksen in 6.3] | 8.3 | winter 1974–75 | 91-93 | |
Blake and Zoroastrianism | 11.2 | fall 1977 | 72-85 | ||
Reply to Charu Sheel Singh [in 21.1] | 21.1 | summer 1987 | 16 | ||
Jacobson, Howard | Blake’s Proverbs of Hell: St. Paul and the Nakedness of Woman | 39.1 | summer 2005 | 48-49 | |
James, G. Ingli | Some Not-So-Familiar Visionary Heads | 12.4 | spring 1979 | 244-49 | |
Johnson, Mary Lynn | Blake’s Engravings for Lavater’s Physiognomy: Overdue Credit to Chodowiecki, Schellenberg, and Lips | 38.2 | fall 2004 | 52-74 | |
Choosing Textbooks for Blake Courses: A Survey and Checklist | 10.1 | summer 1976 | 8-26 | ||
The Devil’s Syntax and the OED | 3.4 | May 1970 | 94-96 | ||
Newfound Particulars of Blake’s Patrons, Thomas and Elizabeth Butts, 1767–1806 | 47.4 | spring 2014 | 12 pars. | ||
Observations on Blake’s Paintings and Drawings (Based on Butlin’s Catalogue Raisonné) | 16.1 | summer 1982 | 4-6 | ||
Johnson, Mary Lynn, and John E. Grant | The Norton Critical Edition of Blake: Addenda and Corrigenda | 16.2 | fall 1982 | 107-10 | |
Johnson, Mary Lynn, and Brian Wilkie | The Spectrous Embrace in The Four Zoas, VIIa | 12.2 | fall 1978 | 100-06 | |
See also Grant, John E., and Mary Lynn Johnson | |||||
See also Johnson-Grant, Mary Lynn | |||||
Johnson-Grant, Mary Lynn | Mapping Blake’s London | 10.4 | spring 1977 | 117-22 | |
Jones, Edward Terry | Another Look at the Structure of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell | 10.4 | spring 1977 | 115-16 | |
Jones, Sarah | See Riordan, John, and Sarah Jones | ||||
Jönsson, Julia See Townsend, Joyce H., Bronwyn Ormsby, Julia Jönsson, and Mark Evans |
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Kamusikiri, Sandra | Blake and the Tradition of Lamentation | 24.2 | fall 1990 | 59-63 |
Kaplan, Marc | Jerusalem and the Origins of Patriarchy | 30.3 | winter 1996–97 | 68-82 |
Kauvar, Elaine | Los’s Messenger to Eden: Blake’s Wild Thyme | 10.3 | winter 1976–77 | 82-84 |
Kelley, Theresa M. | A Minute Particular in Blake’s Songs of Innocence, Copy O | 17.1 | summer 1983 | 18-19 |
Kent, Donald L. See Roti, Grant C., and Donald L. Kent |
Keynes, Geoffrey | Arnold Fawcus [obituary] | 13.2 | fall 1979 | 110-11 |
Blake in the Provinces | 9.2 | fall 1975 | 41-42 | |
The Blake Trust Gray Catalogue and the Blake Trust Facsimiles [response to G. E. Bentley, Jr., in 6.4] | 7.3 | winter 1973–74 | 64-66 | |
William Blake and Bart’s | 7.1 | summer 1973 | 9-10 | |
Kilgore, John | The Order of Nights VIIa and VIIb in Blake’s The Four Zoas | 12.2 | fall 1978 | 107-13 |
King, James | Charlotte Smith, William Cowper, and William Blake: Some New Documents | 13.2 | fall 1979 | 100-01 |
A New Piece of Tayloriana | 6.3 | winter 1972–73 | 72 | |
King, Shelley, and John B. Pierce | “Remarkable both for Genius, & Extravagance”: Amelia Opie and Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job | 54.3 | winter 2020–21 | 11 pars. |
King-Hele, Desmond | A Twist in the Tale of “The Tyger” | 23.2 | fall 1989 | 104-06 |
Knowles, Claire See Harley, Alexis, Claire Knowles, and Chris Murray |
Kolker, Robert P. | [Blake’s Parody of a Couplet from Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel] | 1.1 | June 1967 | 7 |
Komisaruk, Adam | Introducing the Blake Model | 38.3 | winter 2004–05 | 92-102 |
Kraus, Christina Shuttleworth See Reiman, Donald H., and Christina Shuttleworth Kraus |
Kumari, Ashanka | Adding to Blake Set to Music | 49.4 | spring 2016 |
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Napora, Joe | Trickster’s Song [poem] | 12.1 | summer 1978 | 39 |
Nelson, J. Walter | Blake Anthologies | 10.1 | summer 1976 | 32 |
Niimi, Hatsuko | The Book of Ahania: A Metatext | 34.2 | fall 2000 | 46-54 |
Noon, Patrick | Paul Mellon, 1908-1999 | 32.4 | spring 1999 | 151-52 |
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Salemi, Joseph S. | Emblematic Tradition in Blake’s The Gates of Paradise | 15.3 | winter 1981–82 | 108-24 |
Sanzo, Eileen | Blake’s Beulah and Beulah Hill, Surrey | 9.2 | fall 1975 | 46 |
Sato, Hikari See Bentley, G. E., Jr., with the assistance of Hikari Sato |
See also Bentley, G. E., Jr., with the assistance of Hikari Sato and Fernando Castanedo | ||||
See also Bentley, G. E., Jr., with the assistance of Hikari Sato and Ching-erh Chang | ||||
See also Bentley, G. E., Jr., with the assistance of Hikari Sato and Li-Ping Geng | ||||
See also Bentley, G. E., Jr., with the assistance of Hikari Sato, Li-Ping Geng, and Fernando Castanedo | ||||
See also Ripley, Wayne C., with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo and Hikari Sato | ||||
See also Ripley, Wayne C., with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo, Hikari Sato, and Hüseyin Alhas | ||||
See also Ripley, Wayne C., with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo, Hikari Sato, Hüseyin Alhas, and Vera Serdechnaia | ||||
Schiff, Gert | The Night of Enitharmon’s Joy [catalogue entry] | 36.1 | summer 2002 | 38-39 |
Schotz, Myra Glazer | On the Frontispiece of The Four Zoas | 10.4 | spring 1977 | 126-27 |
Schuchard, Marsha Keith | Blake’s Healing Trio: Magnetism, Medicine, and Mania | 23.1 | summer 1989 | 20-32 |
The Secret Masonic History of Blake’s Swedenborg Society | 26.2 | fall 1992 | 40-51 | |
Young William Blake and the Moravian Tradition of Visionary Art | 40.3 | winter 2006–07 | 84-100 | |
See also Davies, Keri, and Marsha Keith Schuchard | ||||
Scrivener, Michael | A Swedenborgian Visionary and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell | 21.3 | winter 1987–88 | 102-04 |
Senninger, Claude-Marie, trans. | Les Nouvelles Littéraires: Raw Material [Matière Première] by Denis Roche, and For the Sexes: The Gates of Paradise [Pour les Sexes: Les Grilles de Paradise] by William Blake | 11.2 | fall 1977 | 119 |
Serdechnaia, Vera | The Mental Travellers: On Blake’s Reception by Nikolai Gumilyov | 55.3 | winter 2021–22 | 17 pars. |
Remembrance: Dmitri Smirnov, 1948–2020 | 54.1 | summer 2020 | ||
See also Ripley, Wayne C., with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo, Hikari Sato, Hüseyin Alhas, and Vera Serdechnaia | ||||
Shaddock, David | Nobodaddy Wakes from His Slumber [poem] | 38.3 | winter 2004–05 | 119 |
Sherlock, Lisa | William Blake’s Annotations to Milton’s Paradise Lost : New Evidence for Attribution | 57.2 | fall 2023 | 17 pars. |
Shiff, Abraham Samuel | Blake’s Hebrew Calligraphy | 46.2 | fall 2012 | 34 pars. |
Blake’s Priestly Blessing: God Blesses Job | 47.3 | winter 2013–14 | 29 pars. | |
Blake’s Priestly Blessing: God Blesses Job—Postscript | 50.2 | fall 2016 | 3 pars. | |
Shroyer, R. J. | Blake’s Copy of Lavater’s Aphorisms on Man: A Correction of G. E. Bentley, Jr., Blake Books | 13.2 | fall 1979 | 108 |
Mr. Jacko “Knows What Riding Is” in 1785: Dating Blake’s Island in the Moon | 12.4 | spring 1979 | 250-56 | |
The 1788 Publication Date of Lavater’s Aphorisms on Man | 11.1 | summer 1977 | 23-26 | |
Simmons, Clare A. | Blake’s “Holy Thursday” and “The Martyrdom of St. Paul’s” | 53.3 | winter 2019–20 | 24 pars. |
Simpson, David | Blake’s Pastoral: A Genesis for “The Ecchoing Green” | 13.3 | winter 1979–80 | 116-38 |
Which Newton for the British Library? | 28.2 | fall 1994 | 77-78 | |
Singer, Ian | Blake Books, for G. E. Bentley, Jr. [poem] | 32.4 | spring 1999 | 150 |
Singh, Charu Sheel | Reply to Mary V. Jackson [review in 18.2] | 21.1 | summer 1987 | 14-15 |
Skretkowicz, Victor, Jr. | J. Deffett Francis: The Swansea Blakes | 3.3 | Dec. 1969 | 52-54 |
Slowiková, Marta See Dörrbecker, Detlef W., and Marta Slowiková |
Smirnov, Dmitri Nikolaevich | My Blake (Part 1: In Russia) | 51.4 | spring 2018 | 19 pars. |
My Blake (Part 2: In England) | 52.1 | summer 2018 | 25 pars. | |
Sousa, Alcinda Pinheiro de, Cláudia Franco Souza, and João Carlos Callixto | Portuguese Readings of William Blake: Fernando Pessoa, a National Poet, and Três Tristes Tigres, a Pop-Rock Band | 55.3 | winter 2021–22 | 27 pars. |
Souza, Cláudia Franco See Sousa, Alcinda Pinheiro de, Cláudia Franco Souza, and João Carlos Callixto |
Spector, Sheila A. | Blake’s Graphic Use of Hebrew | 37.2 | fall 2003 | 63-79 |
Blake’s Graphic Use of Hebrew [corrigenda] | 37.3 | winter 2003–04 | 111 | |
Frye’s Mistreatment of the Archetype | 50.2 | fall 2016 | 34 pars. | |
Kabbalistic Sources—Blake’s and His Critics’ | 17.3 | winter 1983–84 | 84-101 | |
Reading Jerusalem: The Horizon of Expectations | 52.2 | fall 2018 | 39 pars. | |
The Reasons for “Urizen” | 21.4 | spring 1988 | 147-49 | |
Sources and Etymologies of Blake’s “Tirzah” | 23.4 | spring 1990 | 176-83 | |
Srigley, Michael | The Sickness of Blake’s Rose | 26.1 | summer 1992 | 4-8 |
Stallworthy, Jon | In Memory of Geoffrey Keynes, Kt., Late of Lammas House, 1887-1982 [poem] | 17.2 | fall 1983 | 61 |
Stauffer, Andrew M. | Blake’s Poison Trees | 35.2 | fall 2001 | 36-39 |
Steil, Juliana, and Lawrence Flores Pereira | Translating Blake’s Prophetic Poetry: The Case of Milton | 54.2 | fall 2020 | 15 pars. |
Stemmler, Joan K. | Cennino, Cumberland, Blake and Early Painting Techniques | 17.4 | spring 1984 | 145-49 |
“Undisturbed above once in a Lustre”: Francis Douce, George Cumberland and William Blake at the Bodleian Library and Ashmolean Museum | 26.1 | summer 1992 | 9-18 | |
Stevenson, W. H. | Blake and William Frend | 3.1 | June 1969 | 19-20 |
Blake’s Advent Birthday | 40.1 | summer 2006 | 45 | |
“Death’s Door” | 4.2 | fall 1970 | 49 | |
[Druids in Annandale; Flaxman’s Parson] | 1.1 | June 1967 | 9 | |
[Dura; Countess of Egremont; Cratetos] | 1.1 | June 1967 | 7 | |
The Sound of “Holy Thursday” | 36.4 | spring 2003 | 137-40 | |
Two Problems in The Four Zoas | 1.3 | Dec. 1967 | 13-16 | |
Two Problems in The Four Zoas [continued] | 1.4 | March 1968 | 6-8 | |
Stevenson, Warren | “Are there fairies still in London?” [poem] | 2.2 | Sept. 1968 | 34 |
Bifocal [poem] | 13.1 | summer 1979 | 39 | |
Blake at the Winter Solstice [poem] | 32.4 | spring 1999 | 149 | |
Cold Colloquy [poem] | 39.1 | summer 2005 | 54 | |
Discussion [response to David Simpson on Paolozzi’s Newton in 28.2] | 29.1 | summer 1995 | 24-25 | |
[Hayley and Smart’s Jubilate Agne] | 2.1 | June 1968 | 14 | |
The Image of Canada in Blake’s America a Prophecy | 27.3 | winter 1993–94 | 72-74 | |
LOCK/LUCK (for Barry Lord) [poem] | 22.4 | spring 1989 | 145 | |
On Blake’s Painting of Jesus and the Woman Taken in Adultery [poem] | 19.4 | spring 1986 | 150 | |
Storch, Margaret | Blake and Women: A Reply to Nelson Hilton [review in 25.4] | 26.4 | spring 1993 | 161 |
Strickland, Edward | John Dennis and Blake’s Guinea Sun | 14.1 | summer 1980 | 36 |
Sturrock, June | “What have I to do with thee?” | 28.3 | winter 1994–95 | 89-91 |
Summerfield, H. | Blake and the Names Divine | 15.1 | summer 1981 | 14-22 |
Sung, Mei-Ying | New Information about William Blake’s Pre-Publication Proofs of His Job Engravings | 49.2 | fall 2015 | 19 pars. |
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Ullrich, David W. | Deciphering Blake’s “The Angel that presided o’er my birth” | 46.3 | winter 2012–13 | 25 pars. |
Author | Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Yoder, R. Paul | Not from Troy, but Jerusalem: Blake’s Canon Revision | 31.1 | summer 1997 | 17-21 |
Young, Michael C. See Essick, Robert N., and Michael C. Young |
Go to: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Y Z
Reviewer | Author/Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Ima-Izumi, Yoko | G. E. Bentley, Jr., Blake Studies in Japan: A Bibliography of Works on William Blake Published in Japan 1893-1993 | 29.3 | winter 1995–96 | 82-88 |
The Program of the International Blake Conference Blake in the Orient and the Catalogue of a Concurrent Exhibition, The Reception of Blake in Japan [2003] | 38.3 | winter 2004–05 | 109-15 | |
Irwin, David | Joseph Burke, English Art 1714-1800 | 12.3 | winter 1978–79 | 212-14 |
Reviewer | Author/Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Neill, Patricia | John Diamond, The Healing Power of Blake | 34.3 | winter 2000–01 | 95 |
Newman, Steve | Martha Redbone Roots Project, The Garden of Love: Songs of William Blake [CD] | 49.1 | summer 2015 | 9 pars. |
Norvig, Gerda S. | Milton Klonsky, William Blake: The Seer and His Visions | 15.4 | spring 1982 | 184-87 |
Norvig, Gerda, and Myra Glazer Schotz | Carolyn Keay, William Blake: Selected Engravings | 10.3 | winter 1976–77 | 90 |
Nurmi, Martin K. | Concert at the Santa Barbara Conference, 1976; Everett Frost’s production of An Island in the Moon [audio recording] [see also the correction by Everett Frost in 11.1] | 10.4 | spring 1977 | 128-29 |
David V. Erdman and John E. Grant, eds., Blake’s Visionary Forms Dramatic | 5.3 | winter 1971–72 | 207-08 | |
John Howard, Blake’s Milton: A Study in Selfhood; John Karl Franson, ed., Milton Reconsidered | 12.1 | summer 1978 | 56-57 | |
Kathleen Raine, Blake and the New Age | 15.1 | summer 1981 | 51-52 |
Reviewer | Author/Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Oskamp, Jacqueline [trans. Jules van Lieshout] | Bethlehem Hospital: William Blake in Hell [opera by Huib Emmer and Ken Hollings] | 25.2 | fall 1991 | 91-92 |
Ostriker, Alicia | D. G. Gillham, William Blake | 8.4 | spring 1975 | 136-37 |
Jean H. Hagstrum, Sex and Sensibility: Ideal and Erotic Love from Milton to Mozart | 18.1 | summer 1984 | 52-53 | |
Janet M. Todd, ed., A Wollstonecraft Anthology | 14.3 | winter 1980–81 | 129-31 | |
Ott, Judith | Clark Stewart, Drawings for The Marriage of Heaven and Hell | 11.2 | fall 1977 | 117-19 |
Otto, Peter | Hazard Adams, Antithetical Essays in Literary Criticism and Liberal Education | 25.4 | spring 1992 | 168-71 |
Harold Bloom, ed., William Blake: Modern Critical Views; Nelson Hilton, ed., Essential Articles for the Study of William Blake, 1970-1984 | 21.1 | summer 1987 | 29-31 |
Reviewer | Author/Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Yoder, R. Paul | Hazard Adams, William Blake on His Poetry and Painting: A Study of A Descriptive Catalogue, Other Prose Writings and Jerusalem | 46.2 | fall 2012 | 8 pars. |
Andrew M. Cooper, William Blake and the Productions of Time | 50.1 | summer 2016 | 10 pars. | |
Leo Damrosch, Eternity’s Sunrise: The Imaginative World of William Blake | 51.3 | winter 2017–18 | 9 pars. | |
G. A. Rosso, The Religion of Empire: Political Theology in Blake’s Prophetic Symbolism | 52.4 | spring 2019 | 10 pars. | |
James Rovira, ed., Rock and Romanticism: Blake, Wordsworth, and Rock from Dylan to U2 | 53.4 | spring 2020 | 16 pars. | |
Susanne M. Sklar, Blake’s Jerusalem as Visionary Theatre: Entering the Divine Body | 47.2 | fall 2013 | 10 pars. | |
Sheila A. Spector, The Evolution of Blake’s Myth | 55.2 | fall 2021 | 16 pars. | |
Henry Summerfield, A Guide to the Books of William Blake for Innocent and Experienced Readers | 35.4 | spring 2002 | 130-32 |
Reviewer | Author/Title | Volume | Year | Pages |
Zall, Paul M. | Martin K. Nurmi, William Blake | 9.2 | fall 1975 | 54-55 |